Expenditure is the result of assigning an Expense to something around your farm, such as a Task or a Crop.
For example, if you Water the Lettuce for 2 hours, you may have the following expenses;
- Water costed at $0.20 per hour
- Labor costed at $20.00 per hour
The result would be an Expenditure of $40.40 assigned to your Lettuce crop.
Combined with all your other expenditure, MarketGardenPro instantly allows you to see your farm's outgoings for the upcoming season.
Assigning expenses
We have a crop of Sweet Potato, with a total estimated value of $600.00.
We create a Task to water the sweet potato every week between June and August, and assign the following expenses;
- 1 x hour of water @ $0.50 per hour
- 1 x hour of labor @ $15.00 per hour
The result is that our Sweet Potato crop now has total expenditure of $217.00;
While viewing a Crop, you can also add simple tasks, recurring tasks, and tasks with expenditures via the Add Task button;
Help & feedback
To request help or propose functionality that your farm would like to see in the next version of MarketGardenPro, email support and we'll do our best to help.
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