How to grow broccoli
Whether you're a novice gardener or a seasoned vegetable farmer, growing your own broccoli can be an incredibly rewarding activity. Not only is it an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, but it also tastes great and provides a sense of accomplishment. We'll show you how to grow broccoli both indoors and outside with our easy-to-follow guide!
Know your climate
The most important thing to know about growing broccoli is that it is a cool season crop, which means you’ll want to plant it during the spring or fall. You can even get away with planting in late winter if you live in a warmer climate (like San Diego). Your goal here is to avoid heat stress—which will cause your plants to bolt and produce fewer side shoots—by planting early or late in the day when temperatures are cooler.
If you live in an area with limited space and/or sandy soil, consider planting your broccoli indoors before transplanting into the garden once temperatures have cooled off. If you do decide on growing some indoors, follow these tips:
Start seeds at least six weeks before transplanting outdoors; they need time to develop roots large enough for transplantation!
Be sure not too crowd your seedlings; give them plenty of room between plants so that they're able to reach their full size without becoming rootbound or suffering from overcrowding stress!
Pick a suitable variety
Broccoli is a cool weather crop and grows best when temperatures are between 40 and 70 degrees F. Broccoli is a member of the cabbage family and is a warm season vegetable.
Broccoli has been cultivated for over 1,000 years. The name broccoli comes from Italian language, where it means "flowering cabbage". This plant has been known to be grown in gardens for centuries, but it wasn't until recently that broccoli received as much attention as it does today.
Broccoli is considered to be an excellent source of vitamins A and C, folate, calcium and potassium; making this vegetable one of the healthiest vegetables you can eat!
Space plants properly
Space plants at least 18 inches apart. Plant in rows with at least 3 feet between the rows, or plant in blocks and allow the broccoli to grow together without rows.
Planting in blocks is better than planting in rows because it allows you to fit more plants per square foot of space, which means you can grow more broccoli for your efforts!
Ensure correct soil drainage
The first thing to do when planting broccoli is ensuring that the soil has adequate drainage. A well-draining soil helps prevent root rot, which can lead to stunted growth and even kill your plants. If you're digging up existing beds or starting new ones, consider a raised bed approach—this will allow for greater air circulation around the plant's roots.
Temperature control
As with many other vegetables, broccoli does best when the temperature is cool. It's not frost tolerant and will die if it is subjected to temperatures below freezing for too long.
Broccoli is typically planted in the spring and early summer, which means that you can grow it throughout most of the year in most parts of the world. In areas where there are extended periods of frost or snow cover, growing broccoli under cover is recommended. A greenhouse or polytunnel will keep out cold winds but allow enough sunlight through to help seeds germinate quickly.
Water appropriately
Watering appropriately is an important part of growing broccoli. If you water too much, the vegetable will develop a woody stem and stalk. If you don’t water enough, the plant won't form full heads of flowers or produce many side shoots.
Water your broccoli whenever it looks like it needs water: typically once a week during the growing season with one inch of rain or 1/2 inch of irrigation water every five days. In dry weather, you may need to increase the frequency of watering by one day for every 1/4 inch of rainfall missed during that period. You should also check underneath your broccoli plants for signs of wilting and give them an extra drink if needed.
Harvest at the correct time
If your broccoli is just starting to flower, it's time to harvest. If the head feels firm and dense but not as big as you'd like yet, then this is a good time to cut it off. If they're getting too large and woody, wait until they get smaller.
Once the main stalk has grown to between 6" and 8", you can remove it by cutting at least 2 inches below where the leaves attach (on an angle). This will cause all of those little heads that are growing along that stalk to fall down onto the ground (you may want to do this outdoors). They will continue growing from there as long as there's plenty of sun and water available for them! There's no need for concern if some small flowers appear on these stalks; some varieties of broccoli produce flowers before making heads at all!
We hope this article has helped you understand how to grow broccoli. It’s a great crop for the home gardener and can be enjoyed through the winter months when fresh vegetables are scarce.
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