How to grow avocado
If you're growing an avocado tree for the first time, you might be surprised by how easy it is to grow. Avocados are generally grown from seed. The first step to starting your own avocado tree is to select a variety that will grow well in your climate and has traits that appeal to you. Then, plant it in a spot where it will get enough water but not too much sun and keep the soil moist but not soggy at all times during its first year or two of life post-germination.
Know your climate
To get a head start on growing avocados, it's important to understand the climate of your area. This will help you know what kind of avocado tree you should grow and how to care for it.
Climate refers to average weather conditions over a period of time, whereas weather refers to current atmospheric conditions. There are four main types of climate: tropical, arid/semi-arid, temperate and polar. They're broken down into two categories: temperature and precipitation (rainfall). The type of avocados that thrive in each climate depends on these factors (see below).
Pick a suitable variety
Choose a variety that is suitable for your climate and soil conditions. Choose one that will grow well with the technique you use. Size of your garden may play a role in deciding on which variety to grow.
Space plants properly
Spacing is crucial for avocado trees to grow. The best way to determine your spacing is by looking up the variety you are planting, and then following it's recommended spacing guidelines. In general, plant your avocado trees about 8 feet apart in rows that are about 10 feet apart (or 5 x 10). If you have a larger tree, space the rows further apart so that each one has ample room to develop its root system.
Ensure correct soil drainage
While it's not essential to have a professional soil test done, you can find out what your soil pH is by doing a home test. If the results are higher than 6.8 or lower than 5.5, you'll need to amend your soil before planting an avocado tree. To do this, simply mix in 1/2 cup of lime to every 10 square feet of bed space and till it into the top 3"-6". You may also want to consider adding some compost or well-rotted manure into your garden bed prior to planting as well!
Once you've ensured proper drainage and pH levels for your garden area, all that's left is making sure that there's enough room between any trees or shrubs so they have adequate space for growth (about 15' between plants). Once this is complete and your new plant has been properly planted in its new home make sure there are no hazards around (things like glass shards on walkways/driveways) because these could easily damage leaves when they fall off trees during storms etc...
Temperature control
Avocado trees need a range of temperatures. Temperatures below 10 degrees Celsius (50 degrees Fahrenheit) will stunt the growth of your tree, while temperatures above 26 degrees Celsius (80 degrees Fahrenheit) can damage it. The ideal temperature range is between 20 and 25°C (68-77°F), but this can vary depending on your location. You should also make sure that your tree gets enough water throughout the year, especially during its first year as it establishes itself in its new environment.
Water appropriately
Watering avocado trees is a bit more complicated than you might think. When it comes to watering, keep the following in mind:
Water only when the soil is dry. Avocado roots don't like wet soil and need plenty of oxygen and carbon dioxide to thrive. In fact, overwatering can cause root rot, so it's best to water during dry weather.
Water in the morning. Avocados prefer cool conditions, so letting them get hot in the sun isn't good for them either—and water evaporates quickly when temperatures are high.
Water deeply but infrequently (ideally once every four days). The best way to do this is by soaking your tree thoroughly from its base before noon; this will prevent any splitting at its crown as well as help keep its roots healthy by encouraging deep root growth rather than shallow surface roots which can be damaged by frost or drought stress later on down the line!
Harvest at the correct time
When you're ready to harvest your avocado tree, wait until the fruit is fully ripe. The skin will be dark-green or purple, depending on the variety and ripeness level of the avocado. Ripe fruit will also feel soft when gently squeezed between your fingers; avoid harvesting any fruits that are rock hard or soft as they may not have reached full ripeness yet.
Once you've selected a ripe avocado, cut it from its stem with a sharp knife (carefully!). You can use this technique with all varieties of avocados except Fuerte: these should always be picked by hand and gently twisted apart from one another rather than cut in half because they bruise easily during this process.
There’s no doubt that growing avocados can be a challenge. But if you follow our tips and do your research, then you’ll have a great chance of growing some delicious, healthy fruit!
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